Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March: In like a lion? More like a wet housecat.

Well folks, I've about turned into a rubber ducky. We've gone from ice storms (2 back to back) to torrential downpours and what can I say but I'm tired of being soggy. My poor little house on the prairie (not really) has become an island in a mud pit. My poor dogs are tired of having their paws scrubbed after every potty break and my tiny guard-Chihuahua keeps getting caught up in the undertow from the current running from my driveway to the creek. Carpet? Ha! Once upon a time it was carpet, now it's merely just another place to store my mud. If I didn't have so much knitting to do, I'd rip up the carpet and entertain the thought of installing my own laminate flooring. But alas, my knitting calls.

Speaking of my knitting, I'm still trying to finish my Seredipity socks from BMFA's Rockin' Sock Club. The pressure's on because we're going to be getting March's socks in the mail soon, very soon! Other WIPs include a scarf for my sister's friend, a sleeveless sweater for me, a couple more pairs of socks, some hats for my sister and several others I can't think of right now. How do I know there are more??? Because my knitting needle vase is half empty and my dogs have only chewed up one pair. Therefore the others are in use!! yay! I'm gettin' my money's worth out of them!

Everyone have a great week and toodleloo for now!

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